Architecture in Everyday Life
What is good architecture? There is no clear answer to this seemingly simple question, but there are many answers. Architecture cannot be reduced to merely the field of activity of architects, but instead is part of our culture. It surrounds us and creates the framework for our lives. Accordingly, the success of building projects cannot be defined by facts and figures alone, but rather by their relationship to the individual, to society and to other artistic, scientific and technical genres.
Zeitgeist, politics and social trends also find their respective counterparts in architecture. And this applies not only to high culture and expressive buildings that emphasise the spectacular, but also to the everyday architectural culture that surrounds us. In contrast to high-level architecture, ordinary architecture is primarily defined by its utility and real-life use, as well as by the respective building laws and regional specifications. Yet it is precisely ordinary architecture that is particularly meaningful due to its down-to-earthness, functionality, durability and honesty.
In architecture, everyday means an everyday approach that focuses on the lived and experienced space. Only normal and everyday use enables an active approach to architecture, an experience and feeling, an appropriation and possession of space that the mere observation of forms could never make possible. At this point, architecture comes alive through its concrete use and fulfils its actual task. Life is breathed into architecture by its users. For the user, everyday architecture therefore has a much greater significance than expressive "glamour" architecture. Buildings are measured by their concrete utility value.
Contemporary everyday architecture must provide answers to the ecological (e.g. climate-friendly building), economic (e.g. a cost-effective building) and social (e.g. inclusion) questions of our time. And for this, it needs the support and trust of society so that construction can continue to develop. This support can only be achieved by seeing architecture as an added value - a cultural asset, an aesthetic enrichment and a sustainable place to live. This task schools everyday architecture and thus prepares the foundation for further innovations.