Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

© Architekt: Telluride Architektur | Foto: Hubert Juranek


The search for novelty in a scientific and technical environment stands for Germany, for high-end quality.

Bringing the Theoretical and Practical under one Roof

Telluride Architektur has been selected to design a new building for the Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC Jena II) and an associated application center on the chemistry campus of the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena (FSU).  Macromolecular chemistry, materials research, electrochemistry, physical chemistry, applied mineralogy and cosmochemistry will form the central focus of research and work will be carried out on promising concepts for new battery systems, solar cells and integrated components.

The new building offers optimal conditions for research into these innovative concepts. The architectural concept addresses the challenge of having two distinct entities under one roof and combines the theoretical aspect of CEEC II with the practical relevance of the application center within a building. The centers share a common entrance with an adjacent forum, which forms the design’s so-called "Center of Gravity." The planned site of the new research center is located northwest of the city center of Jena in the immediate vicinity of the University Hospital Jena. The new building will be erected between existing FSU buildings.

The CEEC Jena II will house various advanced research laboratories as well as measuring rooms, characterization and general laboratories. Office space for scientific personnel as well as storage space and workshops are also included. The application center will house advanced research laboratories with surfaces for transmission electron microscopes and a technical center.

Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

© Architekt: Telluride Architektur | Foto: Hubert Juranek

Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

© Architekt: Telluride Architektur | Foto: Hubert Juranek

Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

© Architekt: Telluride Architektur | Foto: Hubert Juranek

Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

© Architekt: Telluride Architektur | Foto: Hubert Juranek

Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

© Architekt: Telluride Architektur | Foto: Hubert Juranek

"Both institutes (CEEC for basic research and the AWZ Application Centre) form the forum in the middle, a space with a 4-storey airspace. Both institutes "meet". The open airspace serves as the interface of both institutes and the interface of basic research and application."

— Telluride Architektur
Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

© Telluride Architektur

Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry – FSU Jena, Germany

© Telluride Architektur

Construction time / Year


Project type

Science / Research building


Friedrich-Schiller University Jena


Telluride Architektur

Planning experts

Structural design:
Ingenieurgruppe Bauen

HKL Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Laboratory planning:
Weber & Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft

Fire protection:
RJP - Prof. Rühle, Jentzsch & Partner GmbH

Building physics:
BBS Ingenieurbüro (Thüringen)

Landscape planning:
Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten

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