ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier

We put the human being in the center of our work.
Man is seen as an individual who is unique and has not only body and soul, but also spirit. Therefore, man has not only material but also immaterial, i.e. soul and spiritual needs, which must be satisfied by his environment.
We see cities and towns as microcosmic individuals
that have the task of satisfying not only physical, but also soul and mental needs of man. Consequently, cities are not just a random assemblage of buildings. They are to be understood as a creative and unique social task in space and time. Every city or place needs its own identity, a "genius loci".
We believe in the power of beauty.
Vibrant and beautiful places are the best prerequisite for shaping, cultivating and developing people and their culture, both from a mental and intellectual aspect, as well as from a spiritual and psychological aspect. In this sense, we try to follow the global wisdom: "Beauty can save humanity."
We create feelings and experiences in space.
Emotional and mental experiences of human beings through urban beauty, e.g. through a varied and stimulating atmosphere are as important for the quality of life as physical living conditions, work, communication, etc. Consequently, our goal in any task is to plan and design not only physical, but much more emotional and spiritual experiences.
ISA - Internationales Stadtbauatelier was founded under the name Stadtbauatelier in 1978. Taking into account our increasing international activities and the addition of new partners, it was renamed ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier in 2007.
The ISA - Internationales Stadtbauatelier is an international, interdisciplinary planning group consisting of strong individual personalities with different professional and cultural backgrounds. It combines long experience with fresh concepts, ideas and the methods of young colleagues.
From the beginning it was conceived as a planning and realization office for the broad professional spectrum from urban planning, urban design to urban architecture. While at first it was closely connected with the Urban Planning Institute of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Stuttgart, today it cooperates with various institutes and universities in Germany and abroad. Due to the fact that most urban planning tasks are of both theoretical and practical nature, the ISA combines research and practice in planning and realization.
Each project is understood as a new and individual task. There is no fixed scheme, solutions are developed in dialogue with the place and the people. The interplay of architecture, open space planning, urban design and urban planning is considered important. The goal is always a holistic, spatial-design solution that is presented in a clear and citizen-oriented manner, even in the case of abstract plans.
The ISA develops a great collective energy through teamwork of strong individuals with special qualities and a deep personal interest in urban planning, urban design and architecture. This leads to an efficient group dynamic. We form a new team for each project, usually with members of multiple cultures in the cross-cultural projects. A project leader organizes the team, but as much as possible everyone works together in partnership. This helps not only to find individual solutions for each task, but also to develop a specific approach to the task. The creative richness of the projects has one of its roots here.
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HEADQUARTER ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier Phone + 49.711.64030-31 KONTAKT@STADTBAUATELIER.DE ISA BEIJING ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier Phone +86.10.6269.8680 EUGENE.DONG@STADTBAUATELIER.COM ISA BUSAN ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier CONTACT.KR@STADTBAUATELIER.COM ISA GUANGZHOU ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier |
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